There sure has been a lot of kerfuffle around Spark lately. Spark this Spark that, Spark is the best thing ever, and so on and so forth. I recently had some small exposure to PySpark when working on a Glue project, at the time a lot of the functions reminded me of Pandas and I’ve been trying […]

As someone who is self-taught when it comes to coding there are always topics that feel out of reach, or just plain magic. Also, as I’ve spent my career specializing in all things data, what I’ve needed to learn has always been very specific. Most of all, eventually the same old things become boring, time […]

Update: Check out my new Parquet post. Recently while delving and burying myself alive in AWS Glue and PySpark, I ran across a new to me file format. Apache Parquet. It promised to be the unicorn of data formats. I’ve not been disappointed yet.

I work with Python and data a lot, specifically different RDBMS’s with structured data. Anyone who does this type of work will probably have run across pyodbc, a Python package that allows ODBC access into different database platforms.

Having spent time in different Data Warehouse environments inevitably there comes a point when you realize there is a DDL change that needs to happen that affects every table in the Warehouse.

I recently did a little project to find out what makes a company tick, using Python and the Twitter API. It has to be done quickly, in like a day, and didn’t need to be overly complicated.

One of the biggest hurdles I’ve found when teaching myself any sort of SQL/Python/Data Wrangling skills is the problem of finding usable, real life data to work with. Data that I can actually attempt to answer questions with.

Yeah, Web Scraping is super easy in Python, just pip install BeautifulSoup and away you go. Not.

It wouldn’t be the first time. The story is usually the same, lots of people, contractors, software installation, months of ETL work, months of database work, testing testing and more testing. And then it arrives, a beautiful spiffy Enterprise Data Warehouse with all it’s facts and dimensions in all their Kimball glory.

Some of the most unused yet powerful functions in T-SQL are Window functions. These functions are powerful because they allow calculations on a Window of the data you specify, even while the calculation scrolls through your data.