A Diatribe against Data Contracts and their Abuses.

Ok, so I don’t really mean all that. Or do I? I have no idea what the future holds. Sometimes it’s easy to pick out the winners, like Databricks and Snowflake, you can see, feel, and taste the results of those data products, a delicious and delectable bounty to feast upon. Other things are harder to read the tea leaves on. Kinda like Data Mesh … is it a thing, or is it not a thing? It’s hard to decern between charlatans and marketing/sales departments hocking the next Cure All Snake Oil and real life.

What about all this recent humdrum and buzz around Data Contracts? Pushed by some popular Data Engineering faces like Ananth Packkildurai and Chad Sanderson. What is all the hype about Data Contracts, are folks just pushing another tool down our throats? Is there a real issue and problem that can be solved with Data Contracts?

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Introduction to Historical Loads – for Data Engineers.

There are probably few things in life that will strike more fear and tumult in the heart of the Data Engineer than historical loads. You know, on the surface it seems like such an innocent thing. How could it possibly be, just take a bunch of data stored somewhere and shove it into a table. If only. Life never works that way, and neither does the historical load. You would think after decades we all would have figured it out you know. Is it because we don’t do it enough? Maybe it’s like regex, you just figure it out as you go every single time, telling yourself you’ll do it right next time.

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