The Utter Failure of Async in Python

The failure of Async adoption in Python.

I’m probably going to have to eat this blog post 2 years from now…. oh well. I still believe that Async has been mostly a failure since introduced in Python 3.4. Maybe I should be more specific, there seems to be a failure to adopt Async in the Python community and major packages at large. Sure, there are glimmers of hope like aiohttp, but for the most part all the Async work and adoption seems to be on the fringes of the Python world. Why is this?

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Big Data File Showdown – Avro vs Parquet with Python.

Apache Parquet vs Apache Avro

There comes a point in the life of every data person that we have to graduate from csv files. At a certain point the data becomes big enough or we hear talk on the street about other file formats. Apache Parquet and Apache Avro are two of those formats that been coming up more with the rise of distributed data processing engines like Spark.

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