The Difficulties of Senior Engineer …. are not Engineering

Well, I hate to break the news to you. I was the same when I first started, writing code that is. I was a zealot. I was zealous for every new thing I learned, every new language, every new approach, I would find the preacher who was preaching the message I wanted to hear … OOP, functional, Kimball, this, that, the other thing.

You’re young and full of life. You think that your Software career revolves around … software. The pinnacle of your mountain seems to be becoming that “perfect programmer” who can write anything without any bugs.

Yet, when you get to the top of the mountain you find you’ve been deceived. Not all that glitters is gold.

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Engineering Lessons Learned from LLM Fine Tuning

Well, I finally got around to it. What you say? Fine-tuning an LLM, that’s what. I mean all the cool kids are talking about and caring on like it’s the next thing. What can I say … I’m jaded. I’ve been working on ML systems for a good few years now, and I’ve seen the best, and worst.

Most of Machine Learning is Data Engineering. That’s the truth. Is the LLM gold rush any different?

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Polars vs Spark