Replacing Pandas with Polars. A Practical Guide.

Photo by Stone Wang on Unsplash

I remember those days, oh so long ago, it seems like another lifetime. I haven’t used Pandas in many a year, decades, or whatever. We’ve all been there, done that. Pandas I mean. I would dare say it’s a rite of passage for most data folk. For those using Python, it’s probably one of the first packages you use other than say … requests?

You know, Pandas feels like Airflow, everyone keeps talking about its demise, but there it is everywhere … used by everyone. Sure it’s old, wrinkled, annoying, slow, and obtuse, but it’s ours, and that makes it the words of Gollum … precious.

We should probably get to the point already. Everyone is talking about Polars. Polars is supposed to replace Pandas. Will it? Maybe 10 years from now. You can’t untangle Pandas from everywhere it exists overnight. Do you still want to replace Pandas with Polars and be one of the cool kids? Ok. Let’s take a look at a practical guide to replacing Pandas with Polars, comparing functionally used by most people. My code is available on GitHub.

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Using Rust to write a Data Pipeline. Thoughts. Musings.


Rust has been on my mind a lot lately, probably because of Data Engineering boredom, watching Spark clusters chug along like some medieval farm worker endlessly trudging through the muck and mire of life. Maybe Rust has breathed some life back into my stagnant soul, reminding me there is a big world out there, full of new and beautiful things to explore, just waiting for me.

I’ve written some Rust a little here and there, but I’ve been meditating on what it would look like to write an entire pipeline in Rust, one that would normally be written in Python. Would it be worthwhile? The cognitive overburden of solving problems in Rust is not anything to ignore. Rust is great for building tools like DataFusion, Polars, or delta-rs that can be the backbone of other data systems … but for everyday Data Engineering pipeline use? I have my doubts.

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Simplify Delta Lake Complexity with mack.

Anyone who’s been roaming around the forest of Data Engineering has probably run into many of the newish tools that have been growing rapidly around the concepts of Data Warehouses, Data Lakes, and Lake Houses … the merging of the old relational database functionality with TB and PB level cloud-based file storage systems. Tools like Delta Lake, lakeFS, Hudi, and the like.

Sure, these tools have been around for some time, but the uptake and adoption of them all have been rapidly growing. I use Delta Lake on a daily basis, taking advantage of the many wonderful features it provides to simplify and reduce complexity in data pipelines. But, I’ve been sitting around for a long time waiting for the plethora of “add-on” tooling to come out, stuff that will make my life easier. I recently saw one of the first tools like that for Delta Lake, namely mack.

Mack appears to have the ability to “do the hard work for you,” a concept that appears to be growing in popularity, but which I have a fraught relationship with. Double-edged sword? Let’s find out.

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