How to be Better Than Everyone Else

Ok. Get off your high horse. You are human just like the rest of us. Just like your ancient ancestors who were throwing rocks and sticks at each other a thousand years ago … you are looking for a leg up on the competition. Isn’t that the world we live in? At the end of the day, no one is looking out for you, besides you.

Do you know what all those famous “influencers” have over you? Those you look at with boiling bitterness buried somewhere inside you. Besides a smattering of luck here and there, there is one other trait they have that most people don’t.

There are general branches and streams of actions that come off that main branch. But without that central drive, all else is useless.

What is it that apparently 1% of the data population has that the 99 don’t? Simply put, in the words of your grandparents, hard work.

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Fleetclusters for Databricks + AWS to reduce Costs.

Show me the money. That’s what it’s all about. I have a question for you, to tickle your ears and mind. Get you out of that humdrum funk you are in. Here is my question, riddle me this all you hobbits.

“Of what use is, and what good does the best and most advanced architecture provide if your bosses boss starts to look at the cost and starts to ask questions?”

The thing is, as engineers and developers we love to do fun stuff. We follow the crowds, don’t we? We are like those lemmings, we just do what is cool.

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