Engineering Lessons Learned from LLM Fine Tuning

Well, I finally got around to it. What you say? Fine-tuning an LLM, that’s what. I mean all the cool kids are talking about and caring on like it’s the next thing. What can I say … I’m jaded. I’ve been working on ML systems for a good few years now, and I’ve seen the best, and worst.

Most of Machine Learning is Data Engineering. That’s the truth. Is the LLM gold rush any different?

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Machine Learning from the viewpoint of an average Data Engineer.

Photo by Kevin Ku on Unsplash

I’ve been thinking more about the topic of ML and MLOps lately. To me, it seems like the buzz has quieted down over the last few years about ML and MLOps, at least somewhat, in favor of other topics like Data Quality, Data Lakes, Data Contracts, and the like. I’ve been wondering why this is the case and comparing my experience over the last few years of working in, on, and around ML pipelines and systems. I’ve seen ML done at companies with a few thousand employees, and with a handful of employees. The problems and hurdles at the same across the board, and mostly everyone is not very good at it.

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Dask vs PySpark – Performance and Other Thoughts.

Every once in awhile I see someone talking about their wonder distributed cluster of Dask machines, and my curiosity gets aroused. I know plenty of people use Dask, mostly on their local machines, but it seems like the meteoric rise of Spark, especially with tools like EMR and Databricks, that Dask is slowly slipping into the shadows. I’ve had bad experiences with Dask in the past, trying to get it work well in production. I suppose that comes from working with tried and true Spark and other bullet proof distributed system. I’ve been meaning to return to Dask for awhile, compare a similar Dask and Spark cluster on performance … and other things like ease of setup and writing code. Let’s get too it.

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What makes MLOps so hard? Thoughts for Data Engineers.

It seems like today the problems and challenges of Data Engineering are being solved at a lightning pace. New technologies are coming out all the time that seem to make life a little easier (or harder) while solving age old problems. I feel like Machine Learning Ops (MLOps) is not one of those things. It’s still a hard nut to crack. There have been a smattering of new tools like MLFlow and SeldonCore, as well as the Google Cloud AI Platform and things like AWS Sage Maker, but apparently there is still something missing. Nothing has really gained widespread adoption … and I have some theories why.

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Intro to Spark ML Pipelines for Data Engineers

Don’t you like stuff for free? Don’t you like it when stuff I just handed to you? I mean when is that last time you didn’t want to get a free t-shirt. How about 20 bucks in the mail from you Grandma? That’s kinda what Pipelines are in Spark ML. The Apache Spark ML library is probably one of the easiest ways to get started into Machine Learning. Leaving all the fancy stuff to the Data Scientist is fine, Data Engineers are more interested in the end-to-end. The Pipeline, and the Spark ML API’s provide a straight froward path to building ML Pipelines that lower the bar for entry into ML. So, set right up, come get your free ML Pipeline.

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Deploying Apache Airflow inside Kubernetes.

Has anyone else noticed how popular Apache Airflow and Kubernetes have become lately? There is no better tool than Airflow for Data Engineers to built approachable and maintainable data pipelines. I mean Python, a nice UI, dependency graphs/DAGs. What more could you want? There is also no better tool than Kubernetes for building scalable, flexible data pipelines and hosting apps. Like a match made in heaven. So why not deploy Airflow onto Kubernetes? This is what you wish your mom would have taught you. It’s actually so easy your mom could probably do it….maybe she did do it and just never told you?

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Solving the Memory Hungry Pandas Concat Problem.

One of the greatest tools in Python is Pandas. It can read about any file format, gives you a nice data frame to play with, and provides many wonderful SQL like features for playing with data. The only problem is that Pandas is a terrible memory hog. Especially when it comes to concatenating groups of data/data frames together (stacking/combing data). Just google “pandas concat memory issues” and you will see what I mean. Basically what it comes down to is that Pandas becomes quickly useless for anyone wanting to work on “big data” unless you want to spend $$$ on some machines in the cloud with tons-o-ram.

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Challenges of Machine Learning Pipelines at Scale… When You Don’t Work at Google.

Complexity is in the eye of the beholder.

ml pipelines

Building Machine Learning (ML) pipelines with big data is hard enough, and it doesn’t take much of a curve ball to make it a nightmare. Most of what you will read online are tutorials on how to take a few CSV files and run them through some sklearn package. If you are lucky, you might find some “big data” ML stories on Medium where someone uses Spark to crunch a bunch of JSON, Parquet, or CSV files at scale of 10 to a few hundred gigabytes of data. Usually they are simplistic and ambiguous. Unfortunately that isn’t how it works in the real world.

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Data Engineering a Machine Learning Pipeline In Real Life.

The pipelines behind the machine learning.

It doesn’t take long reading articles on Medium or Towards Data Science to become enamored with Machine Learning. Especially the people and companies who do it in “production.” I always read about the big picture, the fancy algorithms, the cloud computing, but you have that feeling there is something missing. It’s all the details that are missing. Where is the force behind it all, bringing everything together? I like to think it’s called Data Engineering, with some Dev Ops for good measure.

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Data Engineering vs Data Science – Where’s The Love??

The Tech Fight of the Century, Data Engineering vs Data Science.

It seems like a never ending battle for supremacy. Articles about Data Science being the bee’s knees, then more articles about how Data Engineering holds up the world of Data Science like Atlas. Whenever I read something in one of these two categories on Medium or wherever, it just seems more like ego clash to me. It’s human nature to want to be the best, to be better, to feel like you are the person who really makes it all happen.

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