PySpark SQLContext….tired of your decades old ETL process?

Seriously. Haven’t you had enough of SSIS, SAP Data Services, Informatica, blah blah blah? It’s been the same old ETL process for the last 20 years. CSV files appear somewhere, some poor old aged and angry Developer soul in a cubicle pulls up the same old GUI ETL tool, maps a bunch of columns to some SQL Server, if you’re in a forward thinking shop…maybe Postgres. This is after painstakingly designing the Data Warehouse with good ole’ Kimball in mind. Data flows from some staging table to some facts and dimensions. Eventually some SQL queries are run and a Data Mart is produced summarizing a years worth of data for a crabby Sales or Product department. Brings a tear to my eye. And this is all because Apache Spark sounds scary to some people?

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Create Your Very Own Apache Spark/Hadoop Cluster….then do something with it?

I’ve never seen so many posts about Apache Spark before, not sure if it’s 3.0, or because the world is burning down. I’ve written about Spark a few times, even 2 years ago, but it still seems to be steadily increasing in popularity, albeit still missing from many companies tech stacks. With the continued rise os AWS Glue and GCP DataProc, running Spark scripts without managing a cluster has never been easier. Granted, most people never work on datasets large enough to warrant the use of Spark.. and Pandas works fine for them. Also, very annoyingly it seems most videos/posts on Spark about shuffling/joins blah blah that make no sense to someone who doesn’t use Spark on daily basis, or they are so “Hello World” as to be useless in the real world. Let’s solve that problem by setting up our own Spark/Hadoop cluster and doing some “real” data things with it.

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Learning to do HTTP in Scala. – Part Trois.

Man. Every time I open IntelliJ to write/learn some more Scala I have to take a deep breath. Yes, it’s been fun and good for my to my brain feel like in a Doctor Strange movie, but it’s also challenging and frustrating at times. One of the things I find myself doing a lot as a Data Engineering is HTTP stuff, mostly pulling files or data from APIs. Doing this work in Python is most enjoyable and easy, I’ve been curious to see how Scala handles HTTP stuffy stuff.

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